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DigiClan Africa
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For an industry that is finally taking shape right here in Africa, the need is increasingly high for people in that industry to come together as one. Not just to connect, share and leverage on connections, but also to put faces to the big names rocking the industry, to gain tutelage for those ahead of us, to become better because we shared more and connected more.Β 

We strongly believe in the Ubuntu culture of humanity, that “I am who I am because of who you are”. Hence, the birth of DigiClan Africa, a safe space for digital nomads where we look out for each other and grow together.Β 

DigiClan Academy

We breed a new generation of digital professionals with classified training. WhatsApp classes, masterclasses, bootcamps, etc, all for FREE. Young professionals are given different opportunities to explore their ideas and move their careers forward.

DigiClan Research

We probe into the “whys” of prevailing issues in the industry and the “now whats” of research done. Our current research seeks to understand the availability of talent, remuneration, and other issues.

DigiClan Gist

Stay updated with the latest news about DigiClan Africa and her notable projects.



We are strongly against mediocrity. Members with little or no experience are given a chance to practice their skills and get better. If this sounds like what you are looking for




We Learn

Fresh air and early morning running trips sure can cure almost anything.

We Network

By joining our group, you get to experience 100% unforgettable moments.

We Collaborate

Nothing makes you feel more free and independent as running open road.

DECEMBER 10, 2022


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